T A B L O N E S • C O F F E E 

Tablones Coffee Company is a single origin, small-scale coffee exporter located in Dallas, Texas. Tablones Coffee specializes in exporting coffee from their families’ farms that are located in the western part of El Salvador in the Apaneca-llamatepec mountain range - farms like “Finca El Sitio” and “Finca San Jose”. These coffee farms have been in the family for five generations. Its main focus is to export coffee to the United States and sell online.
Its differential is to create an ethical coffee business and educate consumers about the importance of conscious consumption, while striving to increase sustainability, efficiency, and quality of cup. Tablones Coffee is a business that connects with its consumers while also having a positive impact on the farmers, producers and all others.

T H E  C H A L L E N G E 

To create an authentic, unique, and sustainable brand.

An identity that represents Tablones as a professional, strong, and inspiring brand in the coffee export market and recognized as a company that strives to increase sustainability, efficiency, quality of cup, and fair prices. 
The conception of the project is to present the main characteristics of Tablones’ family history.

First, we have the number 33, which is a meaningful number because it not only is the founder’s late father’s favorite number + the number he used when he was a racecar driver in El Salvador, but it also symbolizes guidance and that all things possible. It is a number of value that conveys spontaneity and authenticity

We also have the number 5, which gives meaning to the founder of Tablones’ being the fifth generation in the family, that is, the beginning of a new journey.

B r a n d  P e r s o n a l i t y

It is authentic, but still efficient. it is creative, but still strong. it is unique, but still inspiring.

C r e a t i v e  T e a m

Creative designer: Larissa Graboski
Creative Director: Larissa Graboski
Full Designer: Egreto Design

Presentation: Egreto Design


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